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This class derives from the FSMState class to allow an easy way to hook the current state of an FSMSystem to a particular display. This class calls into the DisplayStateManager attached to the npc object of the FSMSystem, and sets the current state to the string value of the StateID of the current FSMState.



When the display state is set, an event with this function signature is called:

  public delegate void DisplayStateWasSet (GameObject player, GameObject npc);

event DisplayStateWasSet displayStateSetCallback

This is called every time this state updates the display state in the DisplayStateManager.

Public Functions

void OkayToAdvanceNow ()

This sets a flag in the class that indicates that the class is finished displaying, and can advance to the next state. Once this becomes true, DoDefaultTransition is called.

Abstract Functions

void DoDefaultTransition ()

This must be implemented in classes that derive from DisplayState. It should advance to the next state in the FSMSystem.

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