Difference between revisions of "ViewportPosition"

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Latest revision as of 04:07, 21 April 2013

This script will reposition the object to the specified position in the viewport when the level starts.


[edit] Public Variables

[edit] viewportPosition : Vector2

This is the relative position on the camera's view where the object will be positioned.

[edit] depth : float

This is how far back from the camera the object will be positioned.

[edit] autoDepth : bool

If this is set to true, the depth will be set to the local Z position of the current object.

[edit] viewCamera : Camera

This is the camera to use. If not set, this script will use the camera at the top of the object hierarchy or the main camera.

[edit] Public Functions

[edit] void UpdatePosition ()

This will update the position of the object on the screen relative to the view camera selected.

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