Script Toolbox

From Headbone Creative
Revision as of 03:02, 22 April 2013 by Tyson Joehler (Talk | contribs)

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The Script Toolbox is a set of scripts and utilities released on the Unity Asset Store. There are two parts: the Base package (free) and the Premium package. The Base package will work on its own but only contains a limited number of scripts, and is covered by a different license than the Premium package.

Some features of the Premium package will only work if the Base package is installed.

The toolbox is written in C#, but it can be used with Javascript if desired. Simply move the scripts into a folder called Plugins. This will tell Unity to compile them first, after which they will be available to be used in the Javascript in your project.

Script Toolbox
Cutscene Framework
State Machine Frameworks
GUI Scripts
Character and Camera Control Scripts
Mobile Utilities
Other Scripts & Utilities
Demo Scenes
All Scripts
Free Scripts
Premium Scripts
Personal tools
